FREE APA Health Psychology Questions and Answers


What is the role of a health psychologist in a hospital setting?

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In a hospital setting, health psychologists provide psychological support to patients and staff, helping them cope with stress, illness, and treatment.

According to the biopsychosocial model, which of the following factors influence health?

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The biopsychosocial model posits that health is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

Health psychologists often work with which of the following conditions?

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Health psychologists often work with patients suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer to help them manage their conditions and improve their quality of life.

What is one primary goal of health psychology research?

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Health psychology research aims to improve healthcare systems and policies by understanding the psychological factors that influence health and illness.

Which area of health psychology focuses on helping individuals change unhealthy behaviors?

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Behavioral medicine focuses on helping individuals change unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking or poor diet, to improve their health outcomes.

Which technique is often used in health psychology to help patients manage pain?

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Hypnosis is one technique used in health psychology to help patients manage pain and cope with medical procedures.

What is the primary focus of health psychology?

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Health psychology focuses on promoting and maintaining health, preventing and treating illness, and understanding how psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors contribute to physical health and illness.

Which of the following is a key concept in health psychology related to understanding patient behaviors?

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The health belief model is a key concept in health psychology used to understand and predict how patients' beliefs about health affect their behaviors.

Which of the following is a common intervention used by health psychologists?

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Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is commonly used by health psychologists to help patients change unhealthy behaviors and manage stress.

What type of stress management technique might a health psychologist recommend?

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Aerobic exercise is a common stress management technique recommended by health psychologists to reduce stress and improve overall health.

Which population might health psychologists target with public health campaigns?

Correct! Wrong!

Health psychologists design public health campaigns that target all age groups to promote healthy behaviors and prevent illness.

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