FREE APA Clinical Psychology Questions and Answers


Which disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive worry about various aspects of life?

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Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive worry about various aspects of life.

Which of the following is a primary ethical guideline for clinical psychologists?

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Ensuring client confidentiality is a fundamental ethical guideline for clinical psychologists.

Which therapy focuses on increasing a person's engagement in positively reinforcing activities to improve mood?

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Behavioral activation focuses on increasing engagement in positively reinforcing activities to improve mood, particularly in individuals with depression.

What is one main goal of psychopharmacology in clinical psychology?

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Psychopharmacology involves the study and use of medications to treat mental disorders as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Which type of degree is typically required to become a licensed clinical psychologist in the United States?

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A doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) is typically required to become a licensed clinical psychologist in the United States.

What is the term for the therapeutic relationship between a psychologist and a client?

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The therapeutic alliance refers to the collaborative and trusting relationship between a psychologist and a client.

Which therapeutic approach emphasizes the role of unconscious processes and childhood experiences in behavior?

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Psychodynamic therapy emphasizes the influence of unconscious processes and childhood experiences on behavior.

What is the purpose of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?

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The DSM is used by mental health professionals to diagnose and classify mental disorders.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is most effective for treating which type of disorder?

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CBT is highly effective in treating anxiety disorders by helping individuals change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

What is one common assessment tool used by clinical psychologists to diagnose mental disorders?

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The Rorschach Inkblot Test is a common projective psychological assessment tool used by clinical psychologists.

What is the primary focus of clinical psychology?

Correct! Wrong!

Clinical psychology primarily focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.

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